Making your mind your playground

sábado, 1 de dezembro de 2007

Litemind writing contest: my favorites

...and how I found them

List of my favorite blogs from Litemind's contest:

  • Top 23 Motivation Tips, Tricks and Tactics from the Blogosphere by Mike Ambrose

  • 100 Resources To Improve Your Career, Relationships And Money by Lawrence Cheok

  • 7 Powerful Tips to Overcome Failure by Donald Latumahina

  • 5 Crash Course Tips in Viral Marketing by John Murch

  • Escape the Rut by Catherine Kunst

  • 21 Punching Tips On Social Media Marketing and Social Media Optimization by Etienne Teo

  • 35 Guaranteed Ways To Increase Your RSS Subscribers by Fred

  • How I choose them:

    1. First I created a list of quality criteria:
    1.a minimum of 5 and maximum of 10 links
    1.b relevance. Is the subject valuable for me?
    1.c richness. Is the blog superficial?
    1.d style. Do I like the way the author writes?
    1.e freshness. Can I learn something from the blog?
    2. I read all blogs and rated them from 1 to 5.
    3. I picked up the highest scores (19 articles).
    4. I wrote some personal notes about the articles.
    5. I eliminated some articles from the final list.
    6. I compiled the final list.
    7. I published this post.
    8. I will give authors feedback and stumble ( their pages.
    9. I will read them again.

    Some notes about my personal choices:
    Top 23 Motivation Tips, Tricks and Tactics from the Blogosphere by Mike Ambrose
    I like Mike's approach: scientific and clean. This one is useful as a trigger to think about important concepts for my work.

    100 Resources To Improve Your Career, Relationships And Money by Lawrence Cheok
    Relevant topics, I will learn with the richness of this list and it will provide me guidance.

    7 Powerful Tips to Overcome Failure by Donald Latumahina
    Reading this article really made me feel better and gave me more confidence. I would like to read more about overcoming failure in the future

    5 Crash Course Tips in Viral Marketing by John Murch
    I liked the implicit references to Malcolm Gladwell's ideas and explicit references to Seth Gordin, two authors I'm really fond of. I learnt several new concepts that I will try to test in the near future.

    Escape the Rut by Catherine Kunst
    Escape the Rut by Catherine Kunst
    As a former lecturer I found it refreshing to read this article. It made me think about its relevant concepts. Its fluence and style impressed me.

    21 Punching Tips On Social Media Marketing and Social Media Optimization by Etienne Teo
    I was impressed by its relevance and the richness of references I found.

    35 Guaranteed Ways To Increase Your RSS Subscribers by Fred
    I found this one very practical and I will try to implement some of its new (at least to me) ideas.

    In closing,

    Thanks to Luciano Passuello and Litemind for the opportunity!

    Yours truly,


    Um comentário:

    Cathy disse...

    Hi Fier
    Thank you for picking my post, escape the rut. Your Stumble sent many new readers my way. I don't know whether they will stay but I am honored to be on your list.
